
MNYK Magazine Features JPG

We have a hometown advantage when it comes to shooting for Manayunk Magazine. We’re a 5 minute walk from the Manayunk Development Corp. offices and have become well acquainted with the staff. We love to show our team colors whenever we can and are frequently called on by the MDC to photograph the exciting events and features that are published in MNYK Magazine. This year, we’ve had the pleasure of documenting almost a dozen MNYK events and features, including the popular StrEAT Festival and a few culinary tours of the area.
Part of what makes photojournalism an exciting industry is seeing your story-telling come to fruition in print and online news. That is happening more and more these days, as many of our photos being picked up by publications. You might have seen one of our recent photographs that went viral of our beloved couple, Blair and Ross, in front of a crowd of Philadelphia’s Naked Bikers! It’s always a great experience when we get to take our couples on an adventure like that, and it definitely helps when they’re up for the crazy ride. We’ve also recently appeared on large news platforms, via a photo of the Pope kissing a disabled child, which we feel grateful to have witnessed.
We’re humbled by this exposure and affirmation of our creativity and vision across large audiences– but there’s no place like home! We look forward to capturing more of what makes our neighborhood a unique and awesome place to live and work. Check out some of this year’s published works from MNYK Magazine.
Best, Joe G.ContentsSneakAPeek Pizza1 Pizza2

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