
Documenting Our Values

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past couple of years, you know that pop culture is now intertwined with politics. Turn on any award show, attend a football game or open up twitter and you will see people speaking up and expressing their frustration with the current administration. JPG Photo & Video has not been immune.

Like may Americans, we’re not happy with what we see in the news and we would like to see a change. JPG believes in equality, and we made a decision to only work with Democratic political candidates looking to bridge the divisiveness that exists in Washington D.C. and across America. 

JPG supports Democratic candidates working towards a progressive agenda. This November election is so immensely important that if something as simple as a good photo or video could persuade an undecided voter, we’re in. Meeting democratic candidates and helping get their message and story out to their constituents has been a wonderful experience. 

Please remember to vote on November 6! All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested. In Pennsylvania, that includes three of our own clients, PA Gov. Tom Wolf, Sen. Bob Casey, and businesswoman Bibie Boerio. In addition, there are a number of state representatives and senators running, including our clients, Leanne Krueger-Braneky, Tim Kearney, Brian Sims and Daniel Smith. In New Jersey, Donald Norcross and Jeff Van Drew. Here’s to hopefully seeing ALL of these faces in office in January!

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