Category: Photojournalism

Preparing for the Philadelphia DNC: Right to Photograph & Record in Public

While I am mostly excited and am preparing for the rapidly approaching Philadelphia DNC Convention, I also realize that it warrants some important discussions. Among them are safety precautions and knowing your rights if you plan on exercising the First Amendment  (like peacefully assembling) or, for my fellow photographers out there, documenting the

Photography and Videography for Democrats, #DNCDEALS

I was standing in The Columbus Club Room at Washington D.C.’s Union Station, documenting an ambassador’s retirement party with his family when we began talking about my hope that I would have the opportunity to photograph a DNC Convention within my lifetime. Little did I know, two years later I

OTG’s 20th Anniversary Celebration

If you happen to be traveling through an airport and find yourself at a modern restaurant ordering from a locally sourced menu on an iPad, chances are you have OTG to thank. This forward-thinking company has been taking airport dining to the next level for 20 years, and is now a

Political Photography for Represent! PAC

Pennsylvania-based PAC Represent! rallied for  New Hampshire governor and United States Senate candidate Maggie Hassan at one of its recent fundraising events. The dinner, which was held at  The Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia, drew in local and regional officials and key supporters, including former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. JPG had the pleasure of shooting political photography for the event,

Our Incredible Night With Michael Keating’s Family

In an extraordinary moment of luck, I was able to capture a moment during Pope Francis’ recent Philadelphia visit that has changed my life forever. It happened when Pope Francis unexpectedly got out of his car and gave Michael Keating —a 10 year old boy living with cerebral palsy— a blessing.

2015: Year in Review

Happy New Year From JPG! It’s been a humbling 2015 in Philadelphia. We just wanted to take a minute to talk about JPG’s 2015 accomplishments, and sincerely thank each and every one of you for making it incredible year for we Philadelphia photographers here at JPG. As we look back at this

25 Photos: #PrayforParis Donations

Let us #PrayforParis. The horrific terrorism perpetrated upon the Parisian people yesterday is a mind-numbing reminder that freedom is not free. Rebecca and I were near the stadium and other key landmarks just one week ago. Many family and friends checked in with us, and we were relieved to tell them

World Meeting of Families features JPG team!

The arrival of the Pope lead to an unexpected week of  WMOF craziness, complete with a news interview on CBS3. We’ve shared the special moment that I captured, but what I’m proud to share today are how many of the team’s photos are being featured. Both Dave C and Gustavo were

One Viral Photo Can Make a Difference: The Keating Family

I’m just a photographer. I know I’m not saving the world, but I always hope my art can make someone’s life better. Whether that’s through something as simple as creating art or making one’s wedding day better. Rarely, however, are their tangible means to link directly with your work, so

Preparing for the Philadelphia DNC: Right to Photograph & Record in Public

While I am mostly excited and am preparing for the rapidly approaching Philadelphia DNC Convention, I also realize that it warrants some important discussions. Among them are safety precautions and knowing your rights if you plan on exercising the First Amendment  (like peacefully assembling) or, for my fellow photographers out there, documenting the

Photography and Videography for Democrats, #DNCDEALS

I was standing in The Columbus Club Room at Washington D.C.’s Union Station, documenting an ambassador’s retirement party with his family when we began talking about my hope that I would have the opportunity to photograph a DNC Convention within my lifetime. Little did I know, two years later I

OTG’s 20th Anniversary Celebration

If you happen to be traveling through an airport and find yourself at a modern restaurant ordering from a locally sourced menu on an iPad, chances are you have OTG to thank. This forward-thinking company has been taking airport dining to the next level for 20 years, and is now a

Political Photography for Represent! PAC

Pennsylvania-based PAC Represent! rallied for  New Hampshire governor and United States Senate candidate Maggie Hassan at one of its recent fundraising events. The dinner, which was held at  The Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia, drew in local and regional officials and key supporters, including former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. JPG had the pleasure of shooting political photography for the event,

Our Incredible Night With Michael Keating’s Family

In an extraordinary moment of luck, I was able to capture a moment during Pope Francis’ recent Philadelphia visit that has changed my life forever. It happened when Pope Francis unexpectedly got out of his car and gave Michael Keating —a 10 year old boy living with cerebral palsy— a blessing.

2015: Year in Review

Happy New Year From JPG! It’s been a humbling 2015 in Philadelphia. We just wanted to take a minute to talk about JPG’s 2015 accomplishments, and sincerely thank each and every one of you for making it incredible year for we Philadelphia photographers here at JPG. As we look back at this

25 Photos: #PrayforParis Donations

Let us #PrayforParis. The horrific terrorism perpetrated upon the Parisian people yesterday is a mind-numbing reminder that freedom is not free. Rebecca and I were near the stadium and other key landmarks just one week ago. Many family and friends checked in with us, and we were relieved to tell them

World Meeting of Families features JPG team!

The arrival of the Pope lead to an unexpected week of  WMOF craziness, complete with a news interview on CBS3. We’ve shared the special moment that I captured, but what I’m proud to share today are how many of the team’s photos are being featured. Both Dave C and Gustavo were

One Viral Photo Can Make a Difference: The Keating Family

I’m just a photographer. I know I’m not saving the world, but I always hope my art can make someone’s life better. Whether that’s through something as simple as creating art or making one’s wedding day better. Rarely, however, are their tangible means to link directly with your work, so

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