
Senior Portrait #5: Megan at Magic Gardens

And last, but certainly not least, we end our Senior Portrait series with Megan, a student at Central Bucks High School West, who has a variety of interests, including sports and ceramics! Megan usually works at the beach over the summer, but her love of ceramics drew us to Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens for her senior shoot.
Megan had an amazing sense of style. We started our shoot in the Gardens, where she wore a blue denim jacket with a beautiful white dress. It was a great combo of fashion and unique artwork that kicked this shoot up a notch.
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When we moved on to a makeshift garage door with the Batman symbol, Megan put on a rockin’ Beatles shirt with red jeans. She looked so hardcore with her leather jacket, too! It was a lot of fun being able to bring out the sassy yet sophisticated style of her.
Thank you for letting us take your senior portraits, Megan. With your awesome style, don’t forget JPG when you start to model the latest fashions!
Corinne and Lynn

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