
Brooke & Mo’s Beautiful LGBT Highlands Wedding

Brooke and Mo’s beautiful LGBT Highlands wedding in Fort Washington, PA was a special day for everyone in attendance. I was so excited to represent JPG Photography as a primary photographer, and the mixture of excitement and nervousness was heavily outweighed by the amount of love and care that I witnessed between this wonderful couple.
Before the wedding, we set up a time to meet and perform an engagement shoot, which gives us the perfect chance to get to know our couples better. However, in between the engagement shoot and the wedding day, I was recovering from a very painful injury that had me resting for weeks! I was worried that I was going to miss out on being a part of this amazing ceremony, but after pushing through, I found myself better just in time to bring the magic that JPG is known for (with a little help from my husband, Chuck, as my assistant)!
Mo and Brooke didn’t have a traditional wedding party setup. Their event started casually, which was a refreshing take on their important day. It was clear that they were ready and excited to commit their lives to each other. And having their supportive families there to cheer them on made all the difference. As some light rain started to fall outside, it actually went beautifully with the accompanied string trio led by Christopher Davis Shannon. Brooke and Mo wrote their own vows for the ceremony, which were laden with emotion and love. I couldn’t find a single dry eye in attendance!
The family had their portraits taken around the Highlands grounds – it honestly felt like I was photographing the Von Trapps! After the ceremony, the group proceeded to the reception, where they were greeted by some of the most delicious foods I’ve ever seen prepared. And along with the vibrant and colorful flowers, and the German cookies made by Mo’s mom, everything was pretty much put together by close friends and family! Except for the Weckerly’s ice cream sandwiches (but then again, who could ever re-create those treats?).
Thank you Brooke and Mo for bringing in JPG Photography for your big day. I can’t wait to share more of these memories with you!
Best, Stacey
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